Digital Transformation For The Commercial Real Estate Practitioner

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Many commercial real estate brokers are still doing transactions manually. With busy lives, it can be challenging to implement new technology. The article shows us how adopting new technology can result in improved customer service and increased ROI. DocuSign streamlines document management and stops the runaround that kills workflow. Help property owners see the value of DocuSign and how beneficial it can be for your commercial real estate business. Contact us at Bytes Ahead Limited today to learn more.

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How Does Successful Digital Transformation Start?

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Have you gone digital yet? Going digital is a holistic endeavor that requires a detailed plan for how digital tools will be leveraged. You can start by introducing tech that's easy to implement across your organization and will help you save time and money on everyday tasks. But it's not a one-and-done deal. How you structure your digital transformation is extremely important and this article outlines four key areas that you can incorporate to ensure success. Check it out to learn more.

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