The Rebranding of Adobe Sign to Adobe Acrobat Sign: What You Need to Know

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Digital transformation has been a major buzzword lately, with many businesses looking for ways to streamline their document workflows and increase efficiency. A key player in this transformation has been Adobe Sign, the e-signature service offered by Adobe.

Recently, Adobe has decided to rebrand its solution from Adobe Sign to Adobe Acrobat Sign. This change may have left many of you wondering what this means for you and your business.

In this article, we’ll discuss what’s changing with the rebrand, how it impacts document workflows, and why businesses should be taking advantage of e-signature solutions such as Adobe Acrobat Sign. We’ll also provide some tips and best practices for using e-signatures effectively. Let’s dive in!

What Is Adobe Sign & Why Did Adobe Rebrand It to Acrobat Sign?

Adobe Sign, now known as Adobe Acrobat Sign, is a cloud-based e-signature service that allows you to securely and easily send documents for electronic signatures. It replaces paper and ink signature processes with fully automated electronic signature workflows.

The renaming of Adobe Sign to Adobe Acrobat Sign better reflects the importance of e-signatures as a part of end-to-end document journeys. Not only does this new name provide better clarity, but it also allows users to more easily identify the product as part of the broader set of tools available in Adobe Acrobat and its suite of PDF Solutions.

Every subscription to Acrobat Standard or Pro now includes Adobe Acrobat Sign and features a redesigned and simplified way to send documents for e-signing. With this move, users can be assured that they have access to reliable digital solutions hosted in the cloud, speeding up their digital transformation efforts so they can work smarter and faster.

Benefits of Using Acrobat Sign for Businesses & Individuals

Do you want to streamline your document workflow and save time? Adobe Acrobat Sign can help. With Acrobat Sign, you have access to features like document management, real-time notifications, and more. In short, it’s an efficient way to manage digital document workflows.

Organizations across industries can leverage the benefits of Adobe Acrobat Sign:

  • Automatically route documents for signatures
  • Collect signatures in the order you want
  • Send out reminders when signatures are overdue
  • Get real-time notifications when documents are signed
  • Track the status of each signature
  • Easily store signed documents securely in the cloud

In addition to businesses benefiting from faster processing of documents, individuals can take advantage of e-signatures as well. Instead of having to print out a document and dig up an ink pen, Acrobat Sign allows users to sign and send documents electronically – making it easier than ever before! Plus, these digital processes enable individuals and organizations alike to keep their operations fully compliant with regulation standards.

At Bytes, we’re proud to be an Adobe partner that offers Adobe Acrobat Sign. If you’re ready to start taking advantage of streamlined document workflows with e-signatures today, get in touch with us today!

How E-Signatures Can Streamline Document Workflows

Does the thought of managing your document workflows give you anxiety? If so, you’re in luck, because that’s what e-signatures like Adobe Acrobat Sign were created for. E-signatures help streamline your document workflow processes, so you don’t have to worry about long wait times or manual errors.

Here are some of the ways that e-signatures can make your life easier:

  • Send documents quickly: You don’t need to wait on someone to physically sign a document—it can all be done digitally with just a few clicks. This makes it fast and easy for everyone involved.
  • Track who has signed: It can be hard to keep track of who has signed what if you’re dealing with physical documents. With an e-signature service like Adobe Acrobat Sign, you can easily check which documents have been signed by whom and when.
  • Ensure accuracy: Since e-signatures aren’t prone to manual errors or typos in the same way physical signatures are, they help ensure accuracy across all of your documents. This reduces the need for back-and-forth communication, saving both time and money while keeping everyone on the same page.
  • Get real-time insights: With Adobe Acrobat Sign, you can keep an eye on document progress in real time with intuitive dashboards. This gives you visibility into where each document is in a workflow and helps prevent any delays that could occur as well as helping identify trouble spots before they become problems down the line.

Using an e-signature solution like Adobe Acrobat Sign can help

Tips for Effectively Using E-Signatures

By making use of e-signatures, you can save time and money while streamlining your document workflows. To make the most out of Acrobat Sign, here are some tips:

  1. Make sure you have the right tools: You need a secure platform that will protect sensitive data and documents from unauthorized access. Adobe Acrobat Sign is trusted by businesses of all sizes to provide secure e-signatures for documents uploaded to their platform.
  2. Keep track of documents: With multiple parties involved in a document workflow, it can be difficult to keep track of who has signed what and when. Adobe Acrobat Sign provides tracking tools which help you keep tabs on all documents that are sent for e-signs and shows each signer’s latest status.
  3. Ask for feedback: When using Acrobat Sign to securely upload and sign documents, you can request comments from signers before they sign. This allows you to easily make changes before they’re finalized without having to start the process over again with another round of signatures.

By following these best practices, you’ll be able to ensure your document workflows run smoothly with Adobe Acrobat Sign’s easy-to-use e-signature tools. So go ahead and see how much time and money you can save!


Rebranding Adobe Sign to Adobe Acrobat Sign is a signal that digital document workflows, e-signatures, and document cloud services are becoming more and more important for businesses, and improving the accuracy, speed, and security of those processes is a priority for Adobe. E-signature solutions like Adobe Acrobat Sign allow businesses to streamline document workflows, save time and money, and ensure secure collaboration and data sharing. By incorporating best practices and working with an Adobe partner like Bytes, businesses can maximize the benefits of Adobe Acrobat Sign and get the most out of their document workflows.


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