Adobe Sign, e-signature solution

Adobe Sign: your #1 e-signature solution

What business problem does Adobe Sign solve? It is always a common thing for everyone to ask what benefit they derive from getting something. Be it a product or a service, there’s always a problem you need it to solve. Adobe Sign is an e-signature solution that can help solve lots of issues in your business or organization.

Some of the solutions Adobe Sign provides includes:

  1. Speed: Signing contracts and agreement has never been faster anywhere else. You can easily prepare a document in your office and get it signed in minutes or hours at most.
  2. Time-saving: We’ve known for a fact that speed is inversely proportional to time. What does it mean? It means the higher the speed, the lesser time. Paper documents have to be sent through physical methods for approval or signing but guess what? When you use Adobe Sign, it allows you send documents in the twinkle of an eye; saving you time and even energy. This allows you convert those time into doing something productive.
  3. Accuracy: Computers have always been known for their accuracy and this is one of the amazing feature Adobe Sign is built with. With papers, errors can occur but an electronic document plus an electronic signature reduces error to the minimal even up to an error free system.
  4. Various approval types: Adobe Acrobat Sign have various approval option or recipient roles to better match their workflow requirements. These roles include: Signer (always enabled for all customers); Approver (small business, business, and enterprise only); Acceptor (enterprise only); Certified Recipient (enterprise only); Form Filler (small business, business, and enterprise only); Delegator (enterprise only). When enabled, each recipient in an Agreement will have their role individually configurable, with Signer being the default.
  5. Create Forms easily: In conjunction with Acrobat Forms, you can use Adobe Acrobat Sign text tags to define the specific properties of a field. Using this with Acrobat’s form field placement tools, your document can be fully functional and professional in appearance.

Visit to speak with an expert on more solutions Adobe Sign can provide for your business or organization.


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